This script helps the site administrator turn into any user. This is useful for debugging purposes—when someone sents an email to the admin that they are x and can no longer do y, the site admin can become x and replicate y.
Obviously this is a tightly controlled script. It is completely useless without direct offline control on the server.
Offline Instructions
Please create a file $var/tmp/magictoken (var is the installation directory) that contains two lines:
ip: the IP address from which you will browse then: who you want to become
What will happen
When this is done, refresh this page or hit
If the $var/tmp/magictoken file exists, and if you are the 'now', you will become the 'then', the file will be deleted, and you will be returned to /auth/goclass. Otherwise, you will remain here at this URL. All access control is via IP only at this moment.
Server Time: Wed Mar 12 04:13:44 2025